Strasbourg is the capital of the region Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine in the northeast of France and furthermore official seat of the European Parliament. The town is located at the border to Germany and in its culture and architecture unites German and French influences. At the gothic cathedral Liebfrauenmünster demonstrations of the astronomical clock are taking place every day. When climbing the 142 m high tower of the cathedral you get a far-reaching view over the Rhine.
The centerpiece of the town is the isle Grande Île located in the river Ill. Its quarter Petite France contains medieval bridges and canals where you can find half-timbered houses from the 16th century. Across the river the Rohan palace rises where the Musée des Beaux Arts exhibits works of art by Peter Paul Rubens and other old masters. At the Place Gutenberg which ranks among the eldest places of the town the so-called New Building can be found, the former town hall finalized 1585 in renaissance style. Traditional „Winstuben“ (wine taverns) serve local specialties like Choucroute garnie (sauerkraut with sausages and salted meat).
Length: Approx. 1.5 h
Meeting point: Meeting point and destination are agreed upon individually
Group price: From € 250.00 on
Maximum of 30 persons per group, respectively. Please kindly take into account that according to the directives of the town of Strasbourg for groups superior to 30 persons, respectively, a second guide has to be employed.
Über mich
Cèdric Paluch geb.1970 in Frankreich , Amiens – Region Picardie
Seit 1989 in Freiburg / Schwarzwald wohnhaft und tätig
Ich biete: Stadt- und Erlebnisführungen in Freiburg / Basel/Colmar/Strasbourg/Baden-Baden
Profession: Executive Manager von Black Forest History & Excursion
Gästeführer / Museumsführer / Outdoor-Guide
Sprachen: Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Dieser traditionelle Rundgang bringt diese Stadt sowohl Besuchern als auch Einheimischen näher. Ich begleite Sie durch die malerischen Gassen der historischen Altstadt, über lauschige Plätze, vorbei an prächtigen Bauwerken. Lebendig und anschaulich vermittle ich Ihnen, was die Stadt einst prägte und was ihren heutigen Charakter ausmacht.
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